How many furlongs are in a mile?
Every sport has its own terminology. For example, for horse racing, how many furlongs are in one mile?
The answer is eight.
And there are two-hundred-and-one metres in a furlong. An average race horse can run a furlong in about twelve seconds which, is an impressive forty miles per hour (mph).
So a furlong is an eighth of a mile or two-hundred and twenty yards.
In the UK thoroughbred race horses run over a minimum distance of five-furlong, which on average takes about one minute to complete (on average 6 seconds for 100m). Times vary from racecourse to racecourse. Epsom, which is predominantly downhill, is reputed to be the fastest courses in the world. In fact, the current world record is 53:69 seconds, set by a horse named Stone Of Folca in 2012.
The longest Flat race distance is about two miles four furlongs. In fact the Queen Alexander Stakes run at Ascot in June covers a distance of two miles five furlongs and one hundred and forty three yards. It is the longest professional Flat race in the world.
There are 60 racecourses in the UK, predominantly on the turf with a handful taking part on the all-weather tracks.
The National Hunt racing distances vary from 1 ½ miles (National Hunt Flat race) to 4 ½ miles regarding the Grand National which takes part at Aintree, Liverpool. The place where legendary racehorse Red Rum won in 1973, 1974 and 1977.
The UK is one of the best places in the world to enjoy horse racing.